Ngalmun Lagau Minaral is committed to improving the lives of the people of Mua Island by celebrating Mualgal art and culture and the living traditions of Zenadth Kes (the Torres Strait).
The financial support we receive from our federal, state and regional funders – the Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support program, Arts Queensland and the Torres Strait Regional Authority – is invaluable.
Our peak body, the Indigenous Art Centre Alliance work tirelessly on our behalf and are critically important in developing the Indigenous art sector in Far North Queensland.
Our major corporate sponsor, King & Wood Malleson provide pro bono legal support and along with Arts Law, the Copyright Council and the Indigenous Art Code, they help us achieve the highest ethical standards required of the sector.
Our partners in the business sector, Koskela and Coral Expeditions are invaluable to us as we work to develop the economic opportunities that are so important to our artists, staff and members.
Without the support of our funders and partners we wouldn’t be able to do the work we do, so we thank them for their generosity, their guidance and their commitment.