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I am from Kubin Community Moa Island in the near western cluster of islands in the Torres Strait. I was born here on Moa Island and am a resident in the community. I come from the Serganilgal clan group from the village of Dabu on Moa Island, and the Kaurareg Nation of Muralag and Kiriri. Art was my interest from such a young age and during high school I studied visual arts and commercial arts. After leaving school I pursued other job careers, in early 2017 I became a member of Ngalmun Lagau Minaral Art Centre (Moa Arts) in Kubin Community to take

I am a senior artist and Torres Strait Islander woman and I believe in the importance and value for me as a young woman pertains to the values, beliefs and unique identity that what we share, carry and can impact in the lives of our family, community and who we are as individuals. My speciality major is in printmaking: in monoprints, linocut, etching, and screen-printing. I have also explored and practiced weaving techniques from a young age with my grandmother, which I retell in my art. As well through my employment working at Moa Arts, I have learnt many other invaluable

David Bosun is a proud Mualgal man from Moa Island in Zenadth Kes (the Torres Strait). He is a pioneer of the Torres Strait printmaking tradition and the art movement that has emerged in the last 30 years. He was instrumental in setting up the Mualgal Minaral Artist Collective on Mua Island and the organisation that superseded it; Moa Arts, where he is a Board member and senior artist. He was part of Gelam Nguzu Kazi, the first-ever exhibition of contemporary Torres Strait Islander art which toured nationally and internationally. Since his residency and exhibition at the Kluge Ruhe Museum in