Banana Scones – Tea Towel


SKU: 1770p Category:


Design: Mersane Loban

Wisway, take a bite into the life on Moa Island!

Follow traditional recipes by our artists and you’ll be a Torres Strait Master Chef in no time!

Our dishes are made for special gatherings like weddings, birthdays and tombstone unveilings. 

If upla feeling like a lil’ snack is coming on; have a go and try making one of our delicious recipes.  Eso


Fried Banana Scones by Flora Warria

– 6 Cups Self-rising Flour

–  2 Mashed Bananas

– Water (as needed)

– 3 Cups Peanut Oil 



Mix 6 cups of self raising flour with the two mashed bananas in a bowl.

Slowly add water until the mixture forms a doughy batter.

Heat peanut oil in a frying pan.

When oil is hot, spoon in the mixture and fry on both sides till till golden brown.


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